I’ve Relocated…Come Visit, Please.

Hi Friends…

I’ve been off this platform for a LONG time…lol.

I’m in the process of relocating to my new platform–>> at www.LeadersTransform.com. As I continue building the content, courses, and other offerings, I’d love for you to come check it out.

Its definitely been a “thing” to relocate (can you relate)?? Over the next few weeks, I’ll be migrating my blog posts then shutting down this site.

Come by and visit….If you’re on Instagram I’m at @Leaders_Transform. Swing by and share some good news.

Looking forward to seeing you at my new “homes”.



Is Your Life on Life Support?

 This is a test

“I really want a new job,” Sharon exclaimed to her lunch bunch friends.  “I’m tired of this place and all the drama.  I really want more opportunities to grow and improve my skills.  I’ve been stuck here for five years just doing the same monotonous stuff.”   Every lunch gathering Sharon repeated the same complaint.

Two months later, Sharon shares great news with her lunch bunch.

“Guys, I got an offer letter for a new job!  This new company has a lot of new opportunities and challenges for me to tackle,” Sharon exclaimed.  “Wow, that’s great, Sharon!  When are you giving your two-week’s notice?”  Her friends were excited.   Sharon was finally going to move on to something more interesting.  Cynthia, a new friend to the lunch bunch, looked at Sharon as she fiddled with her napkin frowning.

“Sharon, why don’t you seem excited?”  Cynthia asked.  Her brow furrowed in a puzzled look.

“Well, if I take this new job, I’m going to have to change apartments.  Then I won’t have anyone to walk my dog.”  The lunch bunch was stunned.  Sharon had no opportunities in her current role.   No challenges.  No promotions.  She rarely seemed excited to come to work.  Was she really using an apartment change and no dog walker as the excuse to remain in her complaint-filled, monotonous state?

Sharon moped around the office for a week.  The lunch bunch gathered for after work drinks.  “Hey, Sharon.  Have you given your two week’s notice yet?”  “Nah, I told management that I had this offer.  They asked me what the salary offer was.  I told them.  They matched it.  So I’m staying,” she sighed.  The lunch bunch group cut eyes to each other and let out a quiet breath of exasperation.  She stayed?  No promotion.  No new opportunities to grow or be challenged.  She stayed to continue her chosen existence of Miserable Mondays, Terrible Tuesdays, Wishing I Was Anywhere but Here Wednesdays…

Create Your Extraordinary Life

Is your life like Sharon’s? It doesn’t have to be…in fact, your life is designed to be extraordinary!

Do you want a life filled with abundant love, financial prosperity, joyful friendships, fulfilling service? I am committed to turning fear, doubt, and limitation into an extraordinary, limitless reality. Click the link and download my FREE e-book Invent the Life of Your Dreams. Here are some of the things you’ll discover.

  • How ignite and reawaken your creative energy for powerful results!
  • How to create a passionate life using my Breathtaking Success Blueprint.
  • Find out how to get control of your thinking and invent an amazing life.
  • Find out what the most powerful word is on the planet.

My FREE e-book Invent the Life of Your Dreams is designed to get you into action. Check out the five amazing action steps today!  Click this link for instant access Invent the Life of Your Dreams.

What Would You do If You Weren’t Afraid?

I love thought provoking questions. What Would You Do if You Weren’t Afraid? Is a questions I heard recently. Honestly, the question drove right to my heart. My mind magically and conveniently went blank. What would I do?

Late into the night, I kept asking myself: What Would You Do if You Weren’t Afraid? Since hearing the question, I’ve been reminded of a couple of facts.

  • When faced with an opportunity to describe a limit-free life, I get stuck as a very powerful voice (in my head) edits out any truly limitless, creative, inspired ideas I have with very rational objections.
  •  People can plant seeds of limiting beliefs in my heart/mind soil. But I when I become the tenacious farmer—watering, cultivating, weeding, and fertilizing their negative seeds—I grow someone else’s garden of self-doubt in my heart/mind soil.
  •  I can’t…I don’t have…I’ll try…She/He told me that I wasn’t-couldn’t-shouldn’t-never. These are some of the most limiting, fear producing statements in our language.

I live with these “facts” daily.  Sometimes I live fully in my creative, inspired present—without fear. There are days when I labor to stave off the crush of limiting beliefs.  How about you?

Guess What I Discovered?

I decided to take action. Ove the past three years, I’ve tackled the question What Would You Do if You Weren’t Afraid?  Today, my life is dramatically reinvented. And I’m not done yet.  I want a juicy life. A life filled with abundant love, financial prosperity, joyful friendships, fulfilling service.  I am committed to turning fear, doubt, and limitation into an extraordinary, limitless reality. How about you? Get my FREE e-book. It has the amazing, life-changing 5 discoveries I’ve applied to my life. Click the link and download my FREE e-book Invent the Life of Your Dreams. Here are some of the things you’ll discover.

  • How ignite and reawaken your creative energy for powerful results!
  • How to create a passionate life using my Breathtaking Success Blueprint.
  • Find out how to get control of your thinking and invent an amazing life.
  • Find out what the most powerful word is on the planet.

My FREE e-book Invent the Life of Your Dreams is designed to get you into action. Check out the five amazing action steps today!  Click this link for instant access Invent the Life of Your Dreams.


Do You Want More Passion?

I’m curious.  Have you ever had a World is Wide Openrush of creative ideas that excited you?

The creative feeling is so powerful you’re on fire with intense passion! Heart-pounding, palms sweaty EXCITING?!

You don’t eat, you don’t sleep…you vibrate with excitement.  Creative passion is like a drug (a good drug…mind you!!).  How would you like to be in that flow…every—single—day? That’s how I live my life today. But it wasn’t always like that.  I used to live in fear, in lack, in limitation, in sadness. I live in what was NOT possible.

Do you want to know what I did to live with passion every day? Cool beans! I can’t wait to share.

I’m super excited to share 5 secret strategies I discovered.  Yup! 5 simple Reinvent Your Life strategies.

It’s all in this FREE e-book. You—yes, you—can design your passion-filled life. Get your FREE e-book and transform your life.

Go ahead. Treat yourself to some passion. I did!


Did Things Fall Apart? Reinvent It!

Several years ago I went from a six figure salary to no figures in 15-minutes!  Talk about a show stopper.  I’m not alone, however. Everyday, people have dramatic and sometimes traumatic change happen in their lives.  Dramatic, unexpected changes like divorce, job loss, death of a loved one, financial concerns, or health issues.

My dramatic change was a blow, but after a few days of wallowing in my feelings, I realized that I needed to reinvent myself.

I’m sharing these 6 powerful success strategies with you. You might be wondering if there is more to life than what you’re currently experiencing.  Do you want to fall in love with your life?  I did!

Reinvention for me is an extraordinary adventure.  Today I am living a life I LOVE! A life where I am the boss of my time. I hear so many people talk about just existing in their lives. So, I thought that I might share 6 steps that I took to reinvent my life!

Daily ACTION is critical. I hope you find this FREE e-book enlightening and inspiring. Please share your comments.

Here’s the link. https://dsolutionsllc.leadpages.co/reinventyourlife-ebook/

Love & Light,
